MacWorld 1999 January - Disc 2
Macworld (1999-01) (Disk 2).dmg
Shareware World
Master Spell
Difficult Words
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aberrationaberration, meaning a deeviation
abetabet, meaning to in site
acousticsacoustics, plural form meaning having to do with sound
adolescentadol-escent, meaning one who is becoming an adult
aerialaerial, meaning of the air
affidavitafa dave it, meaning a written declaration made under an oath
aficionadoaficionado, meaning an enthusiastic admirer
allotallot, as in, I will allot you-as much time as you need
allotmentallotment, meaning the act of allotting
allottedallotted, as in, the allotted time for this test is how long your mac stays on
anecdoteanecdote, meaning a short story about an incident
annihilateannihilate, meaning to destroy completely
anointanoint, meaning to apply oil
antecedentantecedent, meaning preceding
antidoteantidote, meaning a remedy for the effects of poison
antiquatedantiquated, meaning too old to be fashionable
antisepticantihseptic, meaning capable of hindering the growth of microorganisms
appellateap pellate, meaning to have the power to hear appeals and review court decisions
appendicitis[[inpt PHON]]_AXp1EHndIHsAYt1UXs[[inpt TEXT]], meaning inflammation of the append-icks
ArcticArctic, as in, the arctic ocean
arousedaroused, as in, the bear was aroused from his hibernation by the naive cave explorers
asinineasinine, meaning utterly stupid
assassinah ssassin, meaning one who murders by surprise attack
assassinateassassinaite, meaning murder by surprise attack
assentassent, meaning aggreement
auxiliaryauxiliary, meaning helping
baccalaureatebaccalaur re it, meaning a farewell address delivered to a graduating class
ballisticballistic, meaning the study of dynamics of projectiles
barbituratebarbiturate, meaning a drug used as a sedative or hypnotic
battalionbattalion, meaning a large number of organized troops
bellwetherbell wether, meaning one that serves as a leader of future trends
benefittedbenefited, as in, If Master Spell has benefited you, send me an e mail
berserkberserk, meaning destructively violent
blissbliss, meaning extreme happy-ness
bona fidebonafide, meaning sincere
broccolibrockilee, meaning that delishus vegtable
bureaucracybureaucracy, meaning administration of government chiefly by non-elected officials
caffeinecaffeine, meaning the stuff that makes coffee worth drinking
carburetorcarburetor, meaning the part in your car that mixes gas and air
Caribbeancaribbean, meaning, of the central or south american coasts
cedecede, meaning to surrender power or possession of
chauffeurshowfer, meaning the guy who drives you around
CincinnatiCincinnati, the city
citecite, meaning to quote an authority
colossalcol ossal, meaning of great size imensity or extent
commissarycommissary, meaning a soopermarket for military personnel
committalcummittal, meaning the act of entrusting
compelcompehl, as in, will half credit for re-tried words compehl you to try harder?
compelledcompelled, as in, she felt compelled by moral obligation to tell the truth
complexioncomplection, as in, washing your face offten will help your complection
concedeconcede, as in, I must concede the truth when it is presented to me
conceitcunseat, meaning regarding oneself with excessive favor
connoisseurconnoisseur, meaning one who has discriminating tastes
conquerconquer, meaning defeat
conscientiousconscientious, meaning guided by ones conscience
consensuscun-sensus, meaning general agreement by will of the majority
consolationconsolation, as in, if it's any consolation, you can re-try your misspelled words for half credit
contemptuouscontemptchuous, meaning manifesting the feeling of contempt
corroboratecorroborate, meaning to strengthen with other supporting evidence
councilor/councillorcounselor, meaning member of a council
counselorcounselor, meaning one who provides guidance
cuecue, meaning the stick used to play pool
curriculumcurriculum, as in, spelling may be part of your school curriculum
decentd sent, meaning respectable
dependant/dependentdependent, meaning one who relies on another for fie-nancial support
descenddee send, meaning to move from a higher to a lower place
descendantdescendant, as in I'm a descendant of my grandfather
descentdescent, as in the aircraft made a descent on its approach
desiccatedesiccate, meaning to preserve or to dry out
deterrentdeterrent, as in, electric fences act as a deterrent to animals
diaphragmdieafram, as in, you must have a muskcue lur dieafram in order to sing opera
diarrheadieah ree euh, as in, it is not good to travel when you have dieah ree euh
dilapidateddilapidated, as in, east german buildings dilapidated under communist rule
dilemmadilemma, as in, catch 22
dilettantedilettante, meaning a dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge
diphtheriadiphtheria, meaning the illness
dirigibledurigible, meaning that early type of aircraft
disastrousdisastrous, as in, a train wreck is always disastrous
discerniblediscernible, as in, not all evils are easily discernible
discreetdiscreet, meaning reserved or respectful
discretediscrete, meaning individual or distinct
dispeldispell, as in, I dispell the notion that logic is yoosless
dissensiondissension, meaning formal dissagreement
dissentdiss sent, meaning disagreement
drowneddrowned, past tense, meaning suffication with water
drunkennessdrunkenness, as in, drunkenness is comical and anoying to sober people
dulyduly, meaning in proper manner
dumbbelldumbbell, meaning a weight used for excersising
ebbebb, meaning a period of decline
ecstasyecstasy, meaning intense joy
eerieeerie, meaning that which brings about fear
embarrassembarrass, as in, it is not nice to embarrass your friends
emigrateemigrate, meaning to leave a nation
eminenteminent, meaning prominent
emphysemaemphyseema, meaning a certain medical condition of the lungs
entranceentrance, meaning to put into a trance
erroneouserroneous, meaning from error
exaggerateexajerayte, as in, I exajerayte when I say that this test will never end
exaggeratingexagerating, as in, the fisherman was exagerating how large his catch was
excessexcess, as in, the speeder drove in excess of the speed limit
exhilarateexhilarate, meaning to cause to be refreshed and full of energy
exorbitantexorbitant, meaning exxceeding all bounds
facetiousfacetious, meaning sarcastic with the element of humor
Fahrenheitfahrenheit, a measure of temperature
fictitiousficticious, meaning imagined or not true
fieryfiery, meaning consisting of fire
financierfighnancier, meaning expert in money
fluorescentflur esscent, as in a flur esscent light bulb
fluoridefluoride, as in, fluoride toothpaste
foreseeforsee, meaning predict
forewordforward, meaning a prefis or introductory note
fuchsiafyou hsha, meaning a purplish red
gaiety/gayetygaiety, meaning full of joy
garishgarish, meaning excessive ornamentation
garrulousgarrulous, meaning excessively talk-ativ
genealogygenealogy, meaning the study of the history of one's descendants
grandeurgrandeur, meaning magnificence
grievousgreevous, meaning to cause pain
guerrilla/guerillagorilla, meaning an irregular soldier
handkerchiefhandkerchief, meaning a cloth for wiping the mouth or nose
harassharass, meaning to persisttently torment
harebrainedhare brained, meaning foolish
hareliphare lip, meaning a congenital deformity of the lip
haughtinesshaught-ti-ness, meaning scornfully proud
hemorrhagehemorrage, meaning bleeding
heroineshairoines, plural form meaning women hearrose
hierarchyhire arcky, meaning a system of authority with ranks
hindrancehindrance, meaning something that hinders
hygienehi gene, meaning the quality of clenliness of the body
hygienisthigh-jen-nist, meaning one concerned with the preservation of health
icicleeyesicle, as in, what's the longest eyesicle you've seen
illicitillicit, meaning illeegal
immenseimmense, as in, the grand canyon is an immense ditch
impassableimpassable, as in, the very fast cadillac was impassable on the highway
impostorimpostor, meaning that which doesn't belong
inadequateinadequate, as in, the supplies are inadequate to our needs
inaugurateinaugureight, meaning to induct into office with a formal sarah mo knee
inaugurationinauguration, as in, the inauguration of a new president
incidentallyincidentally, meaning as a minor matter
indictmentindictment, as in, the corrupt president was given an indictment
indispensableindis pen seble, meaning not to be dispensed with
ingeniousingenious, as in, a really good idea is considered ingenious
innocuousinnockuous, meaning harmless
innuendoinnuendo, meaning a subtle usually derogatory expression
inoculateinoculate, meaning to vaccineight
irascibleirascible, meaning bad temper
iridescentearid escent, meaning cullorful
jeopardyjepardy, meaning great risk of loss
lambastelambast, meaning to harshly scold
legionnairelegionnaire, meaning a member of a legion
liablelieable, meaning legally obligated
liaisonliaison, meaning one that maintains communication
lieutenantlieutenant, meaning a rank in the military
liveliestliveliest, as in, pigs are liveliest at feeding time
livelihoodlivelihood, meaning means of support
livelinessliveliness, meaning full of life and energy
loathsomeloathsum, meaning ab horrent
magnificencemagnificence, meaning greatness of surroundings
malarkey/malarkymuh larkey, meaning hog wash
managementmanagement, as in, the service was so bad at the restaurant, I asked to speak to the management
maneuvermaneuver, meaning a strategic move
marijuana/marihuanamarijuana, meaning that drug that hippies promote
marriageablemarrigeble, meaning able to be married
mayonnaisemayonnaise, as in, I don't like mayonnaise on my hamburger
meandermeander, meaning to wander
meannessmean-ness, meaning the state of being inferior in quality
Mediterraneanmedit terranean, as in the medit terranean sea
mementomeh men toe, meaning a souvenir
meritedmehrihted, past tense of merit
millenniummillennium, as in, macs are most reesistent to the millennium bug
mimickedmimicked, meaning imitayted
minusculeminissqcule, meaning very small
miscellaneousmiscellaneous, meanin made up of various parts
mischievousmischievous, meaning trouble maker
mollifymollify, meaning to calm in temper or feeling
monasterymonastery, meaning building housing monks
monotonousmonotonous, as in, driving through some of the western U S states can be monotonous
mosquitoesmozskeetoes, as in, mozskeetoes are an annoyance to evening frisbee throers
murmuredmurmur'd, meaning whispered
naivenaive, meaning unknowing
naphthanaph tha, meaning the highly flamable liquid
necessarynecessary, meaning essential
newsstandnewsstand, meaning the stand that sells peeree-odicals
Niagaranighagra, as in, have you been to nighagra Falls?
nickelnickel, meaning the type of metal or a five cent piece
nuisancenuisance, meaning a bother
obligeoblige, meaning grateful
occasionoccasion, meaning an event
occasionallyoccasionally, meaning now and then
omelet/omeletteom melet, meaning the dish made with eggs
omitomit, meaning to leave out
omittedomitted, past tense meaning left out
oscillateoscillate, meaning to move back and forth as in a wave
overwhelmingoverwhelming, meaning overpowering in strength or number
pandemoniumpandemonium, as in, the arrival of the pope caused pandemonium
pantomimepantomime, meaning gestures without words
papier machepaper ma shay
paraffinparaffin, meaning the stuff candles are made of
paralleledparalleled, past tense of parallel
paralyzedparallized, meaning to stop activity
paraphernaliaparaphernalia, meaning items used for a particular activity
parishionerparishioner, meaning member of a parish
pastimepastime, as in, I reed books as a pastime
pavilionpavilion, as in, we had our picnic in the pavilion at the park
penicillinpehnnih cillin, meaning the medicine used to treat infections
pennilesspenny-less, as in, by Friday I was penny-less
peremptoryper remptory, meaning putting an end to all debate
perseveranceperseveerance, meaning stead fastness
perseverepersevere, meaning to persist
persistencepersisttence, meaning the act of persisting
phenomenonphenomenon, meaning someone or something extraordinary
PhilippinesPhilippines, meaning the country in asia
picnickingpicnicking, as in most ants like picnicking
playwrightplay wright, meaning one who writes plays
pneumonianewmonia, meaning the illness
poinsettiapoinsettuh, meaning the flower
PortuguesePortuguese, meaning the language
precedentprecedent, as in, she set a precedent in womens fashion
precedingpreceding,meaning going before
prerogativeprerogative, meaning excluessive right
profitedprofited, as in, the evil software company profited from ignorant users
promiscuouspromis-cuous, meaning indiscriminate
pronunciationpronunciation, as in I have trouble with my pronunciation
propagandapropaganda, meaning systematic efforts to spread opinions or beliefs
prophecyprophecy, meaning the revelation of a prophet
prophetprophet, meaning one who speaks by divine inspiration
proprietorproprietor, meaning owner
prosecutorprosecutor, meaning one that prosecutes
prurientprew ree'ent, meaning excessively interested in sex
purifypurify, meaning cleanse
quandaryquandary, meaning state of perplexity
querulousquerulous, meaning complaining
queryquery, meaning to question
questionnairequestionnaire, meaning a printed set of questions
rarefyrarefy, meaning to make thin
recommendrecommend, as in, what wine do you recommend with beef
reconnaissance/reconnoissancereconnaissance, meaning an inspection of an area for the military
recurrecur, meaning to occur again
regrettableregrettable, as in, it is regrettable, but we must forclose on the house
reignreign, as in the reign of neero
remembranceremembrance, meaning the act of remembering
reminiscereminisce, meaning to rehcount past experiences or events
reminiscencereminiscence, meaning the process of recollecting experiences
renownrenown, meaning fame
repentancerepentance, meaning sorrow for doing wrong
repressiblerepressible, meaning able to put down by force
resemblanceresemblance, meaning to look similar
reservoirreservoir, meaning a storage area for liquid
resurrectionresurrection, meaning the act of rising from the dead
reverendreverend, as in, the charismatic reverend drew many new pu rishoners
reverentreverent, as in, he gave reverent attention to the president's speech
rheumatismrheumatism, meaning a pathological condition of muscles or bones
ridiculeridicule, as in, after much ridicule, he left the team
roommateroommate, as in, my roommate at college snored
rosyrowzey, as in, he painted a rowzey picture
sacrilegioussacrilegious, meaning grossly irreverent
sanatoriumsanatorium, meaning an institution for the treatment of chronic diseases
sanitariumsanitarium, meaning an institution for the treatment of chronic diseases
satiricalsatirical, as in, her satirical commentary left me laughing
scarcityscarcity, meaning in short supply
sergeantsergeant, meaning the rank in the military
shepherdshepherd, as in, a parent is a shepherd to his children
shriekshriek, as in, she gave a loud shriek when the mouse jumped out
sievesieve, meaning a you tensil for straining
silhouettesilhouette, meaning an out line
skullduggery/skulduggeryskullduggery, meaning crafty deception
soliloquyso liliquwee, meaning to speak to one self
sovereignsovereign, meaning self-governing
sovereigntysovereignty, meaning, supreme authority
specimenspecimen, as in, he collects all specimens of insects
spectaclespectacle,as in,the fire was a spectacle to behold
stenographerstenographer, as in, court was dismissed as the stenographer was absent
stupefystupefy, meaning to dull the senses
subpoenasubpoena, meaning a writtten order requiring appearance in court to testify
substantiatesubstantiate, as in, can you substantiate your conclusion?
succeedingsucceeding, as in, succeeding in your chosen field can be satisfying
suddennesssuddenness, as in, the suddeness of the storm caught us by surprise
summarizesummarize, as in, could you summerize your results for our committee?
supersedesupersede, meaning to displace as inferior
suppresssuppress, meaning subdue
surveillancesurveillance, as in, the surveillance cameras caught you stealing
syllablesyllable, as in, be sure to pronounce every syllable
symmetricalsymmetrical, meaning, balanced on both sides of a center line
symmetrysymmetry, meaning proportionately
tactfulnesstactfulness, as in, her tactfulness won her the respect of her peers
tarifftariff, meaning duties imposed on imported or exported goods
temperatetemperate, as in, southern california has a temperate climate
temporarilytemporarily, as in, the station was temporarily out of gas
tenanttenant, as in, he was a good tenant who paid his rent on time
tenementtenement, as in, the tenement project proved to be a success for the city
tentaclestentacles, as in, the octapus has 8 tentacles
thirtieththirtieth, as in, dinner was planned for her parents thirtieth anniversary
thresholdthreshold, as in, the groom carried the bride over the threshold
tilltill, as in, the farmer will till the field
toboggantoe-boggan, meaning a runnerless sled
trespasstress pass, as in, if you tress pass on our property we will have to shoot you
tumultuoustumultchewis, meaning noisy and disorderly
tyrannoustyrannous, meaning characterized by tyranny
tyrannytyranny, meaning government ruled by one with absolute power
unmanageableunmanageable, as in, the pup was unmanageable and destroyed the house
unnecessaryunnecessary, meaning not necessary
vacillatevacil late, meaning oscillate
vaudevillevaudville, as in, his corny jokes reminded me of a vaudville act
veneerveneer, meaning a thin layer
ventilateventil-ate, as in, one should ventil-ate a freshly painted room
verbatimverbatim, as in, she repeated the instructions back to me verbatim
verifiablevairif eyeable, meaning able to verify
vernacularvernacular, as in, his cayjun vernacular was amusing to us
versatileversatile, as in, being versatile on many instruments made her an asset to us
victualsvictuals, meaning food fit for human consumption
vilifyvilify, meaning to make de-fama-tory remarks about
villainousvillainous, as in, his villainous smile betrayed his intentions
voyeurvoyure, meaning an ub-sessive observer of sensual subjects
waivewaive, as in, the judge will waive your fine being its your first traffic offense
wieldwield, meaning to handle a weapon with ease
wienerweener, meaning a hawtdawg
wintrywintry, as in, on a hot day I picture a wintry scene
wirywiry, meaning resembling wire
withalwithal, as in, even though we've come this far today, withal we must go on
withholdwithhold, meaning to keep from giving
witticismwitticism, meaning a witty remark
X-ray/x-rayx-ray, as in, x-ray goggles are a fraud to comic book readers
yachtyacht, as in, Ted Turner has a nice yacht
YiddishYiddish, as in, my Yiddish is a bit rusty as no one speaks it at home
zanyzany, meaning comical
zealotzelet, as in, he was a zelet in his campaining for the president
zigzagzigzag, as in, the dear ran in a zigzag pattern eluding the hunter
zinczink, as in, the iron was coated with zink
zucchinizewkeenee, meaning the vegetable